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uploader interface

Videos on decentralized platforms should be hosted by its users, not just the creators behind the DApps. Upload and self-host your content with ease with our desktop app, paired with easy-to-use interfaces such as IPFS desktop. Or use an alternative hosting service maintained by community members like us if you can't self-host for any reason.

Resumable Uploads

Uploading on a slow or unreliable internet connection? Large video files? We support Tus resumable uploads for the best uploading experience. No upload progress is lost if it gets interrupted for any reason.

Cross-platform Publishing

Maximise your exposure and reach as many viewers as possible across multiple video platforms. All within one post per network. We support publishing to 3Speak and DTube, and more platforms to come.

No Additional Beneficiary Fee

Other than the 11.5% mandated fee on HIVE posting rewards for 3Speak videos, OneLoveIPFS does not collect any additional beneficiary fees as your usage is billed by disk utilization on our service.

Dedicated IPFS Gateway

Retrieve your uploaded files from our gateway served directly from our IPFS nodes containing the pinned file in the repo. Skip the waiting time for public gateway caching over the IPFS network, if you wish.


OneLoveIPFS uploader is open source under GPLv3 license. All major releases are announced on our Hive blog.

Desktop App

OneLoveIPFS uploader is also shipped as a desktop app. Want to host the videos yourself without hassle? Get the full app. Don't feel like doing the self-hosting work yourself? Sign up and install the remote release.

Available on Windows, macOS and Linux.